For years.
Be-speckled with blue and gold.
I brought home Clove di hermit crab yesterday. Directly after school, rushed over to Hougang Mall to get one of those after I saw them on an advertisement in the magazine.
It's not exactly what I'll call a bargain but still, I'm seriously robbed of company. It's a bummer that this lil' creature with lady-bug-like shell's nocturnal. It hardly comes out from its protective home and forbid me to gush about my wearisome days.
I haven't actually told my father about it since he missed the whole green plastic tank sitting on the balcony's floor but ugh, I wouldn't risk it to tell him that the whole set up cost nearly 50 bucks.
Seriously, I mean who sells hermit crabs at one for 25 bucks anymore? I bought it cuz' I believed they lived longer than what people had said on forums - that it died merely after 24 hours. I mean sure, those come in really bad condition. Still, 5 bucks for less than 24 hours of entertainment? Alright, make it a max of 1 hous since the creature hardly make the attempt to interact much with human.
But they're friggin irresistable! :D
I'd better appreciate this week cuz' the following's gna be a drab with extra 6 tests, and 2 pending ones for toppings. Since the maincourse isn't that appetizing, I'm convinced that the dessert wouldn't be any better. Am really worried 'bout my Maths & languages.
knurd! :D cuz' there's something about your intelligence that turns me on. I returned to the same place one&half years later with a totally different intention.
I've never been this jubilant at the sight of my bed as I buried myself under those duvets. Was totally drained and all sleep deprived with the overflowing homework/tests sandwiched between long hours of school! Studied SS till 130 in the morning and damn, it didn't come out what I studied for.
Anyway, yesterday was absolutely entertaining cuz' Wanshan and I stayed back to chat with Mr Gary Chua after Physics. We told him about the coincidental story and 3 of us kept laughing throughout the way back to grand auditorium. I know this sounds insane, but well appear to be like long-lost friend.
Oh wait. I think it'll be better to eliminate me since all I did was to flash my million-dollar smile (not) throughout the entire conversation with insignificance remarks slotted here and there.
No its okay. This stupid communication barrel, and stage fright shit is already part and parcel of my life and surely that shall be the last worry on my interminable list.
Wassup with my obsession with super cute nerds like -----? :D
Perhaps to even hear you speak my name. Three cheers for me :D Finished all work in school so tonight I'll probably start revising for Friday's Social Studies content test.
Except for the screwed narrative essay, the day's been alright. Aye, went to Vivo straight after school cuz' I still owe many Vday prezzies! Bought tons of candy from Candy Empire &gna wrapped them up later. Initially, I wanted to do cup coaster for the loves, but after witnessing the load of work experiencing some building madness, I changed my mind.
Anyway, thanks people for yours! Jolene, Sherina, Florence, QianYun and WeiJie <3! Love you people, may we stay strong alright?
Had a good laugh today at something said that sounds really absurd. heyhey, you people are cuuuteee :D I fell like approaching them to clear doubts & laught at their cutesy but Wan Shan wouldn't let me!
hais, it sucks that even your parents think that you're inadequate.
You must be a light switch baby, cuz you turn me on.
Hello cranky days, nice to meet you.
My neighbor removed the glass pane outside his house this morning. It's a pity cuz' for the past couple of weeks, I've actually made it an acquaintance, seeing how he greeted me with a hint of warning about my constant mess of hair done in a haste D:
I'm gna lose my sanity next week. Mockingbird, MSND, narrative essay, 1100 tests. Those bizarre write-&-race-against-time-to-win-sore-fingers ones. Meanwhile, I'm indulging in the reduction of homework/tests; everything's going back to square one now.
Today'd been fine. Maths was the worst cuz' the answers left for vacation in long lost island. After half hour of hair-pulling frustration, I settled with an update on my organizer, adding a whole new stretch of test/weekend drudgery on the list.
Got back a couple of tests. Physics contributed to my 2 hour of joy before it died down when descriptive essay was returned. I’m upset alright. Let’s just say I’ve high expectations on every little thing I do.
Uh, and I'm forced to polish up Chinese cuz' over my dead body will I attend extra lessons. 4 hours a week interaction with an alien language is already unendurable !! To have at least 5 hours of commitment, you can jolly well release those triggers.
I'm actually bored now, When Ryan comes online, he's one dead man. MUAHAHAHA, i know his dirty little secret yay.
Blame the extensive hours in school cuz' that's plainly the reason why I'm not blogging. But this week'd been the most flexible so far, and I'm grateful for that abrupt downturn of homework/tests.
Uh, already got my copy of Simple Plan's new album. It came with an oversized-tee that made me look like black puff in dressing :D Was so excited on Tuesday that I could hardly sit still in class and dear Wanshan must be annoyed by my random "I love Simple Plan" speech every a couple of minutes. And btw, SHE SAID THAT STEVE IS SOO DARN COOL ! when I showed her the photo with him in hot pink streaks.
Okay fine, those aren't exactly the words, But it has the same meaning okay !
Your love is a lie hellllaa rocks. It has the whole package luh. Crazy lyrics, good drumbeat/melody! I know this sounds crazy but I love the way Pierre accented the f-k with the gap in between. & David's back vocals! :D
Uh, anyway, Eeshuen managed convince us into the solar (?) hell-know-what competition. Honestly, I've zero, zilch interest in it. Nada, from the scratch. But was really tempted by the couple of days at Biofair/Greenweek exhibition. Pure laughters contributed by theboys, who never fails to enlighten us, just like the old times.
Haha, fancy a date with homework?
To - I'm genuinely sorry if I did hurt you or anything close, but I just couldn't accept it. I appreciate it anyway :D
I'm so proud of myself and nothing could describe my inexplicable excitement now. I ditched weekend homework and stayed in to finished reading Princess Diaries Book 9 which I bought yesterday.
This book's been the best so far in the series and yada, I'm still clueless whether she's with J.P or not but whatever, 26 bucks is worth it despite the fact that the way she was mourning about the loss of Michael was pretty long-winded. Man, cliff-hanger in books sucks big time. Bring time forward now baby, cause I can't hardly wait for the finale.
Damn, I could pay Meg Cabot to turn my life into one of her fictional character. I mean sure, everything turns out alright in the end and you can keep a blindeye on those nasty drama. All and all, I'll kill to be Mia (minus the throne) in any case.
I'm hooked onto The Click's Five's Empty! I came across the music video on MTV last night and now I couldn't get the damn song out of my head and the lyrics is beauuuutyful!
Thank god the weekends are here. This week has been pretty hectic with all the tests and quizes. It's undeniable I'm gna flunk my first chinese test but whatever, I did my very best but I coulnd't understand the damn passage. Seems like 'bleak' is the only appropriate adjetive to describle the future.
Screwed the rest of the tests unquestionably and I am super uber disappointed in myself for screwing up the descriptive essay as well. I coulnd't finished writing and scribbled some rubbish ending that was hardly legible. Damn, that abrupt ending's gna cost me luhhh.
Alright, Benevolence has been Great with 'G' is caps. The people are uber nice and the teachers are superb! No kidding. I thought I'm gna end up loathing English lessons by Feb but little did I know that Mrs Lim has humour(!) I actually mastered the art of keeping my eyes open in every lessons except Gary Chua's. The problems lies in me and the nature of the subject, Mr Chua's nice luh. Anyway, we're gna have Class Reunion Lunch and Birthday celebration on the eve of Cny, I mean how cool is that?!?
I seriously need to get back on reading. The sudden halt is probably the reason why my life is going haywire.