Birthday hunk.
Happy Birthday David Desrosiers :DI'm going on a shopping spree tomorrow.
Remind me to get a hundred bucks from my parents later for scrapbook materials :D
Avenue B - Bad habit.
Does anyone have
Bad Habit by
Avenue B?
I've searched everywhere for it but no avail.
Fanastic girl band and
Gabby's got a wonderful voice :DD
Click for the song @ their myspace.
The fun and another moment for awkward
I'm tired and worn out.
But had tons and tons of fun at
Ruijing's house yesterday.
Playing card games and watching
Weijie do the work :X
Uh, we made him write out the entire thing because
who knows, Mrs Long may be mesmerized by his handwriting
and decided to award us another 10 marks :D
And Jolene,
Sherina and I were made to drink this
weird liquid which the boys claimed it was 'herbal tea'
and insist that it was
very nice.
So, in the end we found out that 'herbal tea'
was actually Salt, pepper, coffee, juice, ginseng tea(was it?) and a couple or two ingredients which I've forgotten.
Tasted disgustingly disgusting.
Okay, I've to shower and finish Geography reflections.
Walking on a endless street.
Gna flunk science for sure despite those intense revision
that I've done for the past 5 days.
Left a couple of blank answers for MCQ unintentionally.
Cause the invigilator was pressing us to hand up those papers
and by then, I still have not attempt the last question.
Ended up hastily scribbled some trash
and reluctantly handed it up.
That's 7 marks gone already.
And my ass shit maths paper!
What the god damn is happening to me?
Gna be
super busy again next week.
Chinese test, Literature presentation, Geography individual+group project dateline.
Will be going to ruijing's house to finish up Geography and start on our Art presentation.
Today's okay.
PE was fun though I had to do 30 squats for wearing the wrong shorts
And my legs are hurting real badly
due to duck-walking punishment.
Had a couple of badminton battle.
But ended up goofing around,
and laughing so hard at Zuxiang's silly actions :D
Lessons are okay and stayed back to do Geography
but none was done
because Jolene was too busy blog-hopping.
And, went to buy soil for SUNFLOWERS :D
Uh, and I'm feeling worried for Son of Dork,
Read on their myspace that they've not get a new manager
and things hadn't been much at the moment.
Man, I really wna hear some kick ass music
from them, and my oh-sweet Steve's voice.
Yeah Steve :D
Oh god,
Flopped tests and unplanned mess.
Flopped tests and unplanned mess.
I'm on the verge of killing myself already.
I tell you,
I've officially screwed that ass shit maths paper today.
Byebye 10 marks :D
All deducted from the last 2
dirty pages.
Moronic maths,
I was never good at numbers anyway.
Except for some dodgy chinese lesson,
And that shit ass maths test,
Today'd been relatively okay.
Hadn't been exactly listening in class because
I was too busy writing love letters to Yisheng
and scribbling 'I LOVE STEVE' on the pages of my notebook,
tearing it out,
folded it,
and making sure it landed on Yisheng's or Jolene's desk.
I think that's my new interest -
Pissing both of them :D
Stayed back to discuss literature script
that was due on monday and surprisingly,
completed it in about less than a couple of hours.
Then hanged around to mock at Ruijing and his weird sleeping posture :D
Ashton's clone.
Pierre Bouvier from is turning into Ashton Kutcher.
The less hotter version of course :/
Four corners of a room.
Emptiness.I was never programmed to be perfect.
Alright, been really busy these few days.
Spend approximately 23 hours in 3 days at the science centre for biotech fair and really, it isn't that bad.
Spend half of the time tending the booth and
the other half exploring around.
Jolene, Zuxiang, Qianyun and Sherina :D
Uh, and with Zuxiang around,
you could hardly resist a laugh every minute.
And we missed NEWater trip on Tuesday so
we had it today with the other classes.
Was okay luh :DD
Hopefully, I will managed to get through this project
cause I'm really behind with those participation marks.
Pictures now !
Today's theme : Zuxiang :D
Before the electrical chair 'ride' 
During the ride itself :D 

Notice where his hands are going when he tries snogging Mr McDonald :D

And suddenly, suddenly.
Man, I'm gna be SSUUPPEERR busy these few weeks.Biotech Fair for the entire week, Geography test, Literature project, Newater shit thing plus another Science test next week.I doubt there's room for anything else.Shoot me anyone.
I've never felt this alone.
I think my right ear's beginning to
And I'm certain it's the fact that I've left my
ipod on throughout the night.
Ugh, now I'm hearing things as though
it came from a hundred miles away.
Yesterday was great :D
Went out with the good old buddies and the
chongqing guys.
Secret and ended up in the third rows because
there's 17 of us :D
Nevertheless, we didn't endure craning out necks towards the screen.
Had loads, loads fun and now I felt terribly remorse that I've hardly touched my homework and also revision which I'd promise.
I'm lifeless and lethargic
and if you want pictures,
go straight to Jolene's or
Weijie's blog :D
Uh, I'm off.
& I've never felt this alone.
That picture, tell us.
Hell love this picture Jolene'd taken.
Yup, the whole stretch of us :D
Outing again tomorrow :D
Emo comes around.
Hello people.
Back from outing with: Yisheng, Weijie, Qianyun, Shreina, Florence, Jolene, Henian, Bryan, Damien and a couple of chongqing guys - Tianyu, D, King & Jack :D
Lazy to upload the photos,
shall do it some other time.
Feel it up baby.
Another one of those uneventful days
when all you do is stare at the ceilings and wish
you could dig your eyeballs out after mugging like shit.
For once.
So let's see,
We did have 5 free periods in 2 days.
Nothing to be envied of :D
Spent half the Acc lesson reading
Half blood prince,And the other half, figuring how to get the the end of the other class without being noticed.
Hilarious alright, but ugh,
Anyway, cross-country run tomorrow,
but I reckon that I'll be strolling with sisters for the 3.2km.
Heh, I think it's time for the school to accept that
they'll have to change this whole idea to the annual ChungCheng Big Walk.
And meeting sisters at Paya Labar Mrt at 620
while the I'm blessed by the fact I can reach there by the means of two simple wheels.
remind me again why Damien started cracking up in the middle of Acc lesson.
Magic Schoolbus.
A new start, another new beginning.
Alright peeps,
Bid goodbye to the usual pop/rock stars splashing across this page.
After going through my old entries,
I've decided to start a fresh and yeah,
don't worry,
I don't think I'll be updating
regularly of the busy lives of pop/rock stars.
Maybe once in a while,
when my oh-Steve-rocks fever returns from vacation.
As for now,
I shall be back moaning, and getting vexed up
about homework, school activities and uh, bitchy teachers.
I'm only kidding about the last part :D
This is gna be kinda short but uh,
Just wna thanks my best friends for
Big, wet, sloppy kisses :D