Draw the line

I know everyone's rejoicing over the marked end of Midyears but I'm dreading it already ... Missing anticipation and merriment towards holidays. I know this sounds downright insane but I'll rather endure long periods of examinations every single day then to have - - Honestly, it's like zillion times worst that what you could have imagined. And when I think back, I asked myself how I ever did get myself in such deep shit and to my bewilderment, still come this far. To have semi pulled through this most excruciating obstacle in my life. But then again, is it worth it?
I thought I did mess up today's paper. It's not that tough alright, but didn't give my best shot and there's already tons of mistakes already. Anyway, shall put that aside, not gna mourned over it. At least for now
Went out with the loves today! - Jolene, Sherina, Qianyun and Florence! :D Lunched at KFC and browsed around before I head home first. Was suppose to return my books and rent new ones but wasn't feeling too well. I shall go tomorrow, regardless rain or shine !
I thought I did mess up today's paper. It's not that tough alright, but didn't give my best shot and there's already tons of mistakes already. Anyway, shall put that aside, not gna mourned over it. At least for now
Went out with the loves today! - Jolene, Sherina, Qianyun and Florence! :D Lunched at KFC and browsed around before I head home first. Was suppose to return my books and rent new ones but wasn't feeling too well. I shall go tomorrow, regardless rain or shine !

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