Hair-pulling frustration

I. Am. So. Gna. Fail. Finals :(
Candles for ducky
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHREYA!Hehheh, had to yell at her for not reminding me 'bout the Nike Race, missing th BLG's (!) gig, after the birthday greeting.
Newyork, newyork date soon alright, sweetie? :D
Walking By
It's about the nights we spent
Locked up inside your room
It's about the morning breaking
Always just a bit too soon
It's about the way you're scared
Baby, just maybe I'm aware
This is what you need 'cause
Every time you walk in the room
Can't help myself
I wanna be with you
Hit the mic, a quick check
One, two singing out my lungs
Just to reach you
I'm alive
And I keep my cool one more time
And you just keep on walking by
I take a day to tell myself
It's gonna end up fine
It's all part of some master plan
We're all a little lost inside
Even if i run right now
Swore you off
I'd still come back somehow
And here I am now
I take a day to soak you in
For a while
I'm hanging on the best I can
Let go
Cause maybeif I felt it once
Then I could somehow feel it again