More than that
God knows why my thumb'd turned swollen red just like having Rudolph's nose attached to it.Kind of hurts when I give it a little press.
Had a blast with the loves today.
Though I headed home earlier cause I was on the verge of falling asleep.
Dozed off immediately when my head hits the pillow and slept throughout dinner.
Don't think i'll be able to sleep tonight.
So, that's another mini camp under the blankets.
I'll need a reading light in any case.
Borders sold it at a price that i'll have to give a second thought about spending 80 bucks just like that.
Dang, my parents mentioned something about going for the meet-the-parents shit.
And I swear they're gna make a big fuss about my lack of appreciation for Chinese.
Meanwhile, I'll have to pretend to be indulging in every word they said, nodding at appropriate moments while cursing under my breath.
I'm used to it by now.
3 more days with loves.
I've said it before, I will miss them like shit.
Like the way Sherina muttered how she hates me during lessons.
Like the way I reveal my love to Qianyun.
Like the way Jolene broke down despite getting super high marks for the papers.
Like the way I teased Florence about Mr Ahmad.
Like the way WeiJie become emo in class.
Like the way Ruijing reminds me of my poor pen-spinning skills.
Like the way we went out and gets all super highhh and hell cares what we'll doing.
And maybe just a teeny weeny bit on the way Zuxiang rants on and on non-stop about birds.
29 Oct 2007 - Released of Simple Plan's new single
30 Oct 2007 - Released of BSB's unbreakable album plus Steve's on-earth day!
Man, and I love Open Air Stereo.
They've really got it rocking.

Chase Johnson is super, super hot please.
Anyone who managed to get hold of their song, Grace
Please let me know.
Apparently, I can only hear it at their myspace which isn't really convenient if you ask me.
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